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Sick Brearded Dragon

22 13:24:57

My Bearded isn't eating and is losing weight. She will eat it I force her and she will take some fluids also forced. She is turning her head to the side and acts as if she had a stroke with right sided weakness. I am not sure of the age of my pair since they are rescues.The female is 19 inches long and the male is 23. how much food should I force on her and have you ever heard about a bearded dragon having a stroke.

Hello Traci,

Do you have any pictures of her?
Is she housed alone or with the male?

It could also be a calcium or other nutritional problem.  What type of UVB light do you use, is it a fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?  How old is the light?
How often does she get calcium?

I have known several people, that after a vet's visit, it was determined that their dragon had some type of stroke, etc.  They slowly recovered, but still had some neurological type of problems following it.
How long has this been occuring?
