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Reptiles suitable for 180 gallon glass aquarium?

22 14:19:12

I have a 6ft x 2ft x 2ft glass tank, previously used for keeping fish. I would
like to keep reptiles of some sort in it but I'm not sure whether lizards or
snakes would thrive in a tank rather than a custom vivarium.  If it's really not
suitable I'd rather give up the idea than try and make do; advice would be
gratefully received.
Also I have Arcadia suspended pendant lighting; Do you happen to know if
this is likely to be adaptable for reptile use (with the appropriate changes of

Hi Louise

I am sorry for the delay in answering your question

With that large of a tank you could keep a colony of adult Bearded Dragons or a Blue Tongue Skink or several other types of good sized lizards

I am not sure if it is large enough for a monitor species

It would really depend upon your preference and the amount of time/care that you are willing to devote

Omnivores take more time to prepare veggies and greens for than carnivores which you simply give gut loaded insects and
larger lizards eat frozen/thawed mice

If the light fixture handles tube florescent lights than it should be able to be used for reptiles

You might want to make a screen lid to keep whichever reptile that you decide on getting to prevent it from escaping

I know very little about snakes so if that is where you are leaning you will have to ask someone else about what species would be good for that sized tank

Good Luck with your search for your new reptile

Sandy aka LadyGecko