Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Agama hardun - Stared Agama - doesn`t eat

Agama hardun - Stared Agama - doesn`t eat

22 14:13:45

QUESTION: For 3 weeks I have pair of Agamas. Male is ok. But female is hiding all the time in shelter, or is paralyze on the wall or in corner. I saw her twice under HeatGlo, she ate 5 days ago 3 worms - after Vet visit and vitamins injection.
Two day ago she was under HeatGlo, but after few hours she came back to shelter, until now. She doesnt react for food, worms doesnt interest her. Shes paralyzed, dont look around, most of the day having a "snooze". Vet said her stomach is empty, no eggs, no leech in poo. I found once her small poo. What to do now? Wait? Separate her? Force feeding?
Im from Poland sry. for my gramatic. Thanks a lot.

ANSWER: Hi Martin,
Your grammar is fine.
Hi Martin.
I am sorry, I really don't know the species.  I would separate her for sure though as what you are describing may simply be the result of the other one picking on her and bullying her.
Do you provide a proper source of uvb for her?  If not, its vital to their health. Also, do you offer some fruits, and berries on occasion?
Here is information on UVB....this is vital to their health...with out it they can not process the calcium in their foods...
Supplying uvb can be done in a few ways. By special lights
that come in fluorescent tubes or special screw in bulbs
(mercury vapor)that are designed to produce uvb and heat.
The tubes do not produce heat. UVB is needed by the reptile to be able to absorb the calcium in the foods they eat.
With out the uvb, they will develop metabolic bone disease.
With the tubes, they must say that they produce BOTH uvb and
uva. The uvb needs to be 5% or higher. Repti Sun 10.0 and the Repti Glo 8.0's are a great source for uvb. The old "favorites" are the repti sun 5.0 or the Iguana light..which are the same tube, just different package.
There are tubes that say ''full spectrum'' but they do not produce any uvb.
These need to be positioned 6-8 inches over the reptile for the 5% and 8% and 8-10 inches for the 10% so
that they get the uvb that is needed. The tubes need to be replaced every 6-9 months as that they stop producing UVB long before they stop producing light.Using a fixture that holds two uvb tubes of at least 3 feet in length will provide adequate uvb for your lizard. There has been new studies that have proven that compact uvb lights, both the spiral/coil type and the ones that look like long "U's" laying on their side and a few other brands are causing what basically amounts to snow blindness in reptiles.  To read more on this, you can go to
On the mercury vapor , they also produce heat. They also
produce the uvb and uva. The best on the market now are the
Mega Rays.( The distance from these are greater than the uvb tubes and the directions must be followed that
are listed for the light. When using the mercury vapor
lights, you don't need to have one light for uvb and one for
heat. The Mercury vapor lights provide both.
For daytime heat, if using the tube uvb, regular household
incandescent light bulbs produce heat. The wattage will
depend on the size of your lizards enclosure. and the room temperature.Of course, the best uvb is from the
sun and if you are in an area that you are able to take your reptile outside in a proper enclosure, (Never a tank or enclosed, solid cage)

Also, its important to gut load her insects prior to feeding them to your agama..generally 24-48 hours you feed the insects fruits, vegetables, greens, cereals, grains.  This makes them nutritious for your agama.
Are your temperatures in the right range for your agama?  If too hot(generally over 38C) they will search for cooler areas.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Its Agama Hardun - Agam Stelio - Laudakia Stelio - Stared Agama - all names are in use.

Terra is 100cm wide x 50cm depth x 130cm high.
Two Hot areas - more than 42C. In cool place is about 24/25C, in the night 22C. (Now use only one hot bulb, because it might be too hot)
UVB  exo terra ReptiGlo 10.0.
Hydro (water in air) 42%-52%.
Reptile is about 27cm long.

I suppose it might be to warm and use only one HeatGlo, but I wonder how to stimulate her to eat?
She dont wont to eat, I offered her some vegetables, and worms ( different species of grasshoppers(?)) she refuse eating.
Is it possible she want to hibernate?

Hi Martin,
Generally, they may brumate prior to breeding season...this should not happen until they are close to two yrs of age..or older.
Here is a link I found on more info pertaining to this.  
You may want to lower your hot area...
Try getting your humidity up a bit more..
You can try offering one of the following...
The reason for one of the below products is to replace the iguanas gut bacteria(probiotics) which are needed for digestion. In the wild, some species of hatching's first "meal" is the poop of an adult of their species...this is how they get their gut bacteria to a good captivity most use products such as:

bene bac...labeled for birds, approved for reptiles.

nutri bac


or plain, human grade acidolophus......   one capsule will dose for at least 3 days in a row.

BeneBac ..most larger pet stores should carry it...especially if they have birds...

Acidophiliz+  I think  PetsMart carries it..if not....on line at