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Blue Tongue Lizard

22 13:55:06

Hi Tracie

I have taken on looking after a friends 2 blue tongues due to them having to move interstate and ever since their arrival one of them has always had problems-it got very sick (vet still unsure what it was but wasnt looking good at all) but i have nursed it back to health...although i have always kept an eye on it...i went away for the christmas period (3 days) and had someone watch over them for me..they are usually very tame and easy to handle but the one with the problems i noticed this afternoon has become very territorial and chasing my hand where ever i go in their enclosure trying to bite(which it has never done before) also has left around the enclosure several strange things which i thought were its poo but when picked up where harder & firm but still sticky on the outside and gooey on the inside...they were a bright yellow (outside) with a milky centre...i have never seen this before and its behaviour has become very erratic and aggressive?? It is really strange and cant find any info on what it might be??..especially since i realise blue tongues dont lay eggs...any advice you can send my way would be very much appreciated.

Hello Clarissa,

Wow that is extremely odd!  No, they have live birth when they do lay.  Do you think that is what it could have been?  How many were excreted?  How big was it?  
How old is the blue tongue that is having problems, & is it a female?   
What types of food do you feed?  What supplementation are they getting?  

IF you could post a picture, that might help, if you still have any of that!  
I will see if I can research it a little bit but that is very strange of a situation.
