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Strange things in my Tokay Gecko habitat...

22 14:45:17

This sounds a bit strange, and I'm sure it's nothing to be worried about, but, recently, I've found a sticky substance connected to one of the logs in my Tokay's habitat. He is fairly big, and I've only had him for about five days. Is this stuff feces, or should I be worried?

Hello Tyler, could you describe this substance a little better? Perhaps the color, quanitity, etc. It could be numerous things but what I want you to do is take Tokay out and put him in a temporary location and clean out the habitat. Take everything out and wash all the decorations wipe down the tank and this all should be done maybe once every week or every other week at the least. Feces can be a sticky like substance of brown and white colors. You should also try to pick him up (be careful and where gloves) and see if you can find any wounds on him. If you are sure this came from him and it really doesn't seem normal call up a reptile vet and see what they recommend. Describe it to them and they should be able to help.
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Good luck and I hope I was of some help