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my leopard gecko is sooo small!

22 14:29:17

hello, my gecko is about six and a half inches long and she is pregnant I did get a scale and she is about 56g I have an incubator set up and everything she is getting a bigger belly,but is this a bad thing?if so can you give me some advise? and also are the eggs shaped

Hi Monty
56 grams is a decent weight for a Leo that isn't long bodied

Her abdomen toward her back legs will get really big the closer that she gets to laying her eggs

Make sure that you have something for her to dig in and lay those eggs
Most people use their Leos humid hides as a combination of humid hide/lay box
I use moistened coconut fiber in mine

The eggs are oval shaped and around a 1/2 to 1 inch long

Make sure that your female is getting all that she wants to eat and dust her insects with calcium with vit D3 and a vitamin/mineral supplement at least one to two feeding per week while she is gravid
You can dust with plain calcium the other feedings
I also leave a bottle cap of plain calcium in the tank with them to lick on 24/7

When she is getting close to laying she will spend more and more time in the lay box and start digging in it a lot

Good Luck with the eggs!
If you have any more questions that i might be able to help with-don't hesitate to ask

Sandy aka LadyGecko