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my gecko wont eat

22 14:43:21

my gecko rossi hasnt eaten anything for 3 months.when i first brought him 6 months he was eatin really well.then up 2 moving house he hasnt eaten in the last 3 there any advise u could give to me.

Hello Matthew, you should get him into a vet without eating for 3 months he would be dead so something is seriously wrong. If it has been less then 3 months and you just want information then thats ok, thats what I am here for. First of all I need to know some things about his set up.

1) What substrate (tank flooring) does he have?
2) What are you feeding him?
3) How big are his food items?
4) How often are you feeding him?
5) What kind of Gecko is he?
6) What size tank is he in?
7) What are his temperatures at?
8) Does he drink water?
9) Does he have hiding places?

I think thats it, let me know those things and I can better answer your question. If you want you can research this yourself at its all about Leopard Gecko Health if your gecko is not a leopard gecko then you need to get back to me about his eating problem. I am sorry your gecko isn't doing good and I hope its nothing serious. Good luck to you and Rossi