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section of back broke?

22 13:57:36

a friend was giving away her son's baby ball python. we took it as we have one and love her. she had told me previously that the snake would get a flat spot in its back from time to time. i thought maybe it was just dehydrated. as it turns out this poor snake has almost a 2" section that completely flattens like a pancake and then it can't move without that section curling up until the snake is motionless. then it's back rounds out again. it is eating well but i feel like it is suffering. what is wrong with it? any input u can give me would be greatly appreciated. tks

Hello Sandy,

Wow that is too bad.  Does your friend know if the ball python was injured?  
Based on that behavior, it sounds like an injury of some type that is for sure.  I would see if you could get an x-ray done on him to see what is revealed.  That is really the only way you will be able to determine if there are any broken bones.
Did they feed him regularly?  What was he fed, rats or mice?  
How old is he?
Was he kept at optimal temperatures, as well?
