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Iguana acting strange

22 13:26:24

The last three days "dude" hasn't been eating and seems very docile.  Also he seems to be really shaky.  Was could this be?  Should I take him to the vet?

Hi Correen,

Tremors in reptiles can have a number of different causes and I would strongly encourage you to get a proper diagnosis so that Dude can be treated promptly and effectively.

One of the most common causes of tremors or twitching in captive reptiles is called tetany and is caused by low blood calcium levels. Iguanas need regular supplementation with calcium in addition to choosing calcium rich greens. Providing UVB lighting will help promote absorption of the calcium from the gut.

This article discusses it in more detail:

This an excellent piece that touches on the difference between seizures and tremors and their potential origins ( muscular or neurological) and possible causes.

The previous links mention deficiencies in thiamine (vitamin B1) and Biotin (Vitamin H/vitamin B7) as potential causes of tremors/seizures. These links have sources for those nutrients, not all of which are suitable for an iguana but many are. Brewer's yeast has both and can be sprinkled on Dude's salad. It is available at health food stores. Most iguanas being fed a fresh and varied diet would likely be receiving adequate amounts of these nutrients.