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bearded dragon not eating much and sleeping lots

22 14:22:34

hello there the past week my lizard seems to not be eating much wont touch crickets will eat the odd meal worm and has never really eaten much on the veggie side we have had it from a baby since may this year and all has been great its even been going to sleep earlyer then normal 3 hours before lights go out i didnt know if it was this time of year as clocks have gone back and it has got very cold  please help as my kid thinks its going to die on her

Hi Sarah, The timing of your question and age of your dragon suggests that it is likely brumation. Your instincts were correct. It is similar to hibernation and beardeds tend to start right around this time of year as the days shorten and the temperatures drop. Brumating dragons typically eat very little and sleep almost all the time. They also tend to sleep in a cooler, darker part of the tank. They don't lose weight or appear sick in any other way, no sunken eyes, discharge or diarrhea etc. When you pick them up they appear quite normal and alert and healthy but almost immediately go back to sleep once they are back in the cage.

This link discusses brumation in beardeds and includes the observations of several other keepers. It can help put your mind at ease.