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What is the best first lizard be

22 11:51:50

I'm a beginner and i wanted to get a lizard for my birthday but I'm not sure which one would
Be The best for me to get.

Hi Tobias,
There is A LOT to consider when deciding what lizard you would like to have as a pet....
Expense is one of the biggies to consider...  other things to consider are:
how much room do you have for a cage?
how easily accessible are the foods the particular lizard needs?
For an easy first lizard, a leopard gecko is a good beginner lizard.
They don't require a huge tank (20 gallon) (they don't get big..8 inches long)
Their diet consists of insects...
they don't require expensive lighting(although I do provide mine with uvb)
Also, crested geckos are ok for a beginner..their diet includes a pre made crestie diet  and can also use baby food fruits to replace the pre made diet.  Other care is nearly the same as the leopard gecko although a taller tank is recommended for them.
If you want a bigger lizard(24 inches or there about) a bearded dragon might interest you.
They do require special uvb lighting, a diet of dark, leafy greens and insects...their tank is at least a 50 gallon and they require higher temperatures.
Those are the top 3 lizards I suggest you look at.  If you go into some of my past answers, you can find care info on each of the species I mention.