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baby oil in turtle water tank

22 11:53:40

Dear Tina,

Hello, I am So glad I found you! I have a quick question hoping you can help answer or point me to some direction.
My little nephew has just poured baby oil in my turtles water tank.
I am very upset right now b/c usually he's a very good boy.
I've changed the water a few times and tried to help cleanse their oily skin with tear-free baby shampoo. I've added a bacterial solution made for turtle tanks to aid in cleaning it up. Not sure if any of this helps. But I'm trying.
Usually, I dont hold them but I've manually tried to cleanse their skin, except their retract, so it's very difficult.
There's 3 turtles, and I think the largest one was most affected. He wont open his eyes and I'm not sure what to do or if this requires an Emergency Vet visit, which would be extremely financially difficult at this time.
Please advise..... and thank you so kindly for your assistance, as it is greatly appreciated.

Gigi,   Other than disease this is like one of the worst possible scenarios. We never use ointments, lotions, oils,on any turtles, tortoises, terrapins. This one is perfumed. The best way to get the oil of of them is dawn dish soap. It actually breaks down the oils and washes it away. Make up a tepid bath with enough to get a nice little suds going and put them in one at a time. Clean them gently with a soft sponge and make sure you get all around their heads with cotton swabs and rinse them well. Keep it out of their eyes. The tank unfortunately has to be broke down. I would clean it the same way and rinse incredibly well. Trash your rocks. Don't take a chance. If you have driftwood I would get rid of that also. As far as his eye go and get some boric acid and clean them eyes well. It is 1 tsp. per cup heat abit in the microwave if necessary to melt the acid add a little cool water if too hot just get them eyes cleaned out. This will also help with the swelling. I would do it a couple times a day. Rinse his eyes really well holding them open as best you can wiping abit with a cotton swab to force it out when his eye is closed. The story of the little one in the house dumping something into a tank is soooo common Gigi, you have no idea. This unfortunately you are going to have to take care of ASAP. Rewash the turtles get that oil and perfume off of them. Break that tank down. Set it back up without rocks if you have to for tonight but, do not put them back in. You can try to clean them with the dawn I would not. You have some work ahead of you. Go save your babies !!! If you have any other questions please get back to me. If his eyes are still having a problem in the morning take him to a vet. Good Luck, Tina