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Shocking turn of events with beardies

22 14:43:34

QUESTION: So I have determined that genders have been confused with my dragons and my oldest one that is going on 3 years old is actually a female and the one I was told was a female is a male.

Is the female old enough to be bred and how do I go about setting that up and preparing for everything?

ANSWER: Are your dragons living together?

And they havent bred yet?

After this witner cool down they will be ready to breed in the spring or early summer simply make sure they are kept at the proepr temps and there cage is well lit and they should breed in the spring or summer, I do reccomend you pick up the bearded dragon manual also.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: They haven't bred because I separated them, the female is in a separate aquarium parallel to the bigger one and the two males go crazy trying to get to her. What I am unsure of as well is which dragon to let her breed with. One is a 10 month lemon fire and the other is a 8 month and I think he is a eastern beardie.

What is she?  for color? Your best bet is to breed the female to the lemon fire male, as colored babies Sell better. You must think about it carefully before breeding thou because you can end up with as many as 45 babies to feed/house heat/light for a few weeks before you can sell them...they must be 6 inches or longer at time of sale otherwise they will not have a good start in there new homes. Dragons are very expensive to breed as each baby eats 30+ 1/8 to 1/4inch rickets daily plus greensunless you can breed your own crickets you will be struggling with the costs of keeping them going. You need an incubator prior to putting them together as well..the hovabator used for chicken eggs works fine but you do Not need a turning rack...turning reptile eggs can cause the embryo to drown. Pick up the book I sugested in the last emmail for more info on breeding but one thing that is not reccomended from teh book is keeping males/females together all the time....I have heard to mny stories of females dieing from being overbred/over laying and over stressed by liviing permently with a male dragon.