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Fire bellied toadlets

22 14:27:58

Hi. My firebellied toads have been very "happy" this summer, and as a result, I've managed to rear 30 some odd tadpoles that are almost complete miniatures of their parents (3-4 weeks old). My question is..what do I feed them?! They are almost grown out of eating fish food, and crickets are way too big...any suggestions?..thanks.

thank you for your question.
Try offering them fruit flies, you can buy those online or breed them yourself. Here's a website that explain how to breed them:
and you will find stores to order them from here:

The tadpoles won't eat anything for the first few days after leaving the water, though, that's normal and nothing to worry about. They should be big enough to feed on pinhead crickets, though (most cricket breeders will sell those).
I hope I was of some help to you