Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Overfeeding


22 14:26:46

Hey there,

I was wondering how do I know when to stop feeding my Bearded Dragon. I keep my cricket box near the his tank and he looks at the crickets when he's hungry or interested in them. Yeah, I think I am over feeding him.  

 That would depend on the age of the beardie.  Babies require lots of bugs to grow, and are regular cricket Hoovers.  From hatchling to yearling, a good calcium rich salad in the morning and two to three cricket meals the rest of the day is good feeding.  A cricket meal would consist of as many as he will eat in ten minutes.  I've had babies eat up to 100 appropriately sized crickets per day.

 Now if your beardie is a full adult, 18 months old or more, he should be eating 90% clacium rich salad and only 10% bugs.  Daily salads and a bug meal three times a week.