Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > 3yr old bearded dragon

3yr old bearded dragon

22 14:36:02

i found in my dragons gage maybe 15 or so yellow/orange grape shaped things.i pocked a hole in one and a yellow fluid came out.also my dragon look very thin all of a sudden.i have no glue whats going on. he been active and eating up to this point. thankyou for your time and help

Hello Darrell, it sounds as though your Bearded Dragon has laid some eggs. Which would obviously mean "he" is a "she".

Female Bearded Dragons will lay eggs every year with or without a male to fertilize them. The eggs will be sterile and can never hatch. They should be frozen and discarded.

Without providing a proper lay area (wether you intend to breed her and hatch the eggs or not) needs to be provided frequently now that she has laid eggs. If you notice she gains a lot of weight back on and starts digging around in teh substrate of her cage then you need to put in the lay box. If she does not have a comfortable spot to lay her eggs she can become stressed and lay them where ever she can. Which is not healthy and risky. If she doesn't feel comfortable laying her eggs because of limited spots to do it in, she can become egg bound. She will hold the eggs in and they will keep growing and eventually crack inside of her causing a horrible death.

-So with the egg laying box. You can use a regular rubbermaid like tub about 10-12 sq inches and about 10 inches deep. (be sure she can get in and out of it)(you dont need a cover on the tub)

Fill it with vermiculite or perlite (if you cant find any then you can use organic potting soil found at most hardware and garden centers)Keeping the substrate in the tub slightly moist but not wet

Keep checking for the eggs in the soil.

I think that covered everything. If not let me know.