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pacmen frogs

22 14:32:11

I have wanted a packman frog for my hole life but I don't want to feed it live rodents is there a way of feeding them something different that is not alive.  If not could you tell me what pet would be best for a 10 gallon tank.

Dear Joe,
thank you for your question.
Actually, it's possible to feed a pacman frog only insects. They will eat mice because they will eat anything that moves, but they also get fat very fast and giving them live insects to hunt it the best way to get them to move at least a bit.
Live rodents should never be fed to pacman frogs because a frightened mouse is well capable to hurting the frog. If you want to offer mice, you can buy frozen mice online or at pet shops. You will need a feeder tong to wave it around in front of the frog so that the frog recognizes it as prey and to prevent your fingers from being part of the meal.
I hope I was of some help to you