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New Chinese Water Dragon not eating

22 14:45:28

QUESTION: We purchased our first lizard, a Water Dragon, and were told that this should be fine as a first lizard.  We were told to feed her pinkies, crickets, locusts and as a treat wax worms.  Since coming home she is not eating, the only things she has eaten is a few wax worms, not even two a day as we were told that these are only a treat.  We were told that she was 6 years old.  The Pet shop, which deals solely in exotic (lizards, spiders etc) said that she took about a week to start eating but I am a bit worried.  Do you think that the pet shop are right or is there anything you can suggest to help.  Thanks for any advise you could give us.

ANSWER: Hello Well first don't give pinkies they are way too fatty for everyday or even weekly feeding they were normal used to fatten up breeding animals prior to the breeding season but since some lizards get impacted from the bones most breeders now use butter worms to fatten up tehre lizards or wax worms. Wax worms are very fatty and should only be given one or two per week. You want to feed a bulk diet of adult crickets and large super worms(these are golden/brown with black heads and 2 1/2 to 3 inches in length). You can add silkworms or horn worms to the daily diet also. Try giving her crickets right now or get some of these worms and hold them with tongs for her to take(these worms pinch your skin slightly). Sinces its been a week she should be eatting well by now unless she is stressed....what is your cage like...temps/lighting/size?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks her cage has crickets and locusts in it and she is not eating anything.  The cage is kept between 80 to 90F, depends how warm the room is.  Reflector lamp and UVB.  Cage is 3ft long, 2ft high and 2ft deep.  She has been with us now for 11 days now.

Hello you want a basking spot of 86/90 you dont want the whole cage to be this temp otherwise she cant go cool down. Also with the bugs they aren't supposed to be elft running about in the cage they stress the liard remove all the bugs from the cage and try putting a few infront of her at a time. Thou if its been 11 days and still she has not eatten she must see a reptile experianced vet for a checkup and deworming(parrisites cause reptiles to not want to eat). Also you have not mentioned the humidity you do know water dragons need 60 % humidity don't you? spray down her cage with a mister bottle(avalible at dollar stores) with warm water a few times daily spraying her as well. You should also have a large water area for her to go soke in within the cage.(a normal style not used kitty litter box works great!)