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Help with an injured blue tongue lizard

22 13:27:49

Hi Donna,
I was hoping I could have some help with a blue tongue lizard that my family has found in my front yard after we came back from holidays. When we found him he was lying on the concrete, not moving much, and he looked extremely dehydrated. We assumed that he had been attacked by a bird of some sort because he has a serious injury and he is missing a portion of his face (he still  has his tongue and eyes)and no longer has a nose and roof of his mouth. I know it was very optimistic for us to try and help him but I am wondering if it is likely that he will survive. We put him in a shoe box and chopped up some fruits for him and we had heard that they like eggs so we put an egg in as well. We sprayed him with water to try and rehydrate him and have been putting him in the sun from time to time. He has become more active and has been drinking and occasionally eating. We are not sure what else to do with him and what looks to be a developing infection on his tongue has started to doubt his survival. If you could offer your advice it would be much appreciated. Thank you very much.
Yours Sincerely, Kate

Honestly, the best thing you can do for him is take him to a wildlife rehabilitator so he can receive veterinary treatment.  It would be a shame for him to die of an infection, which can be treated with antibiotic injections, since he's trying so hard to make it.