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tiny lizard-- HELP!

22 14:01:16

My brother found a TINY lizard in the parking lot. It is 6 1/2 cm. long, and it's gray with little black and white ripples down his back and tail. It has a super thin tail that is about the size and width of a sewing needle. If you type in "tiny lizards" on google, it pulls up some pictures of it. I would like to know what kind it is, what it eats, and where it's generally located. Thanks!

Hi Ica, From your description of the thin tail and markings on the back it sounds like you have a Brown anole. There are a couple shots of adults here:

They are not native to the U.S but were introduced there from the Caribbean many years ago and survived, mostly in Florida and also in Georgia. They feed on live insects. Young brown anoles are fed fruit flies and baby crickets in captivity and would eat small moths and similar small insects in the wild.