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bearded dragons and green dragons

22 14:52:52

my boyfriend and i are wanting to geta bearded dragon and a green water dragon.  are they compatible with one another?  or will we have to get seperate habitats for each one? and also, we were wondering, they have similar diets, so would we be able to feed them the same foods at the same time, or should we feed them seperatley? thank you!

Hello, No they can NOT live together green water dragons are humidity loving reptiles and would not thrive in a dry arid invoriment needed for a Bearded dragon. The bearded dragon needs a 40 gallon breeder tank there normal sold as a critter tank coming with a wire screen cover for around 100-180 depending on where you are, this tank mesaures 18x18x36 inches long...the beardie can not live in anything more narrow as it doesnt climb trees and needs floor space. The green water dragon should have a custum built cage or you cna build one of 4x4x2 feet the cage should be tall and wide it doesnt need to be very deep but I wouldnt do anything smaller then 18/24 inches deep, the greenw ater dragon grows 2 1/2 to 3 feet long and is mostly tail but the cage must be largeer then the lizard...most experts would reccomend a cage much much larger then that. The bearded dragon reaches adult size at 16-26 inches depending on sex/health/morph. You will notice that greenw ater dragon and cheaper then bearded dragons it is because it can be difficult to house(neds large custon cage) and needs high himidy not always eay to do and arent as good for handling and temper as bearded dragons...few lizards are. The Bearded Dragon will need a 7 to 10 .0 uvb tube it must be placed within 10 inches of the dragon to effective....6 to 8 inches is better....just make sure the lizard can not touch the bulb. He needs a basking spot of 98-110 F. anything lower then 98 they cant diegest there food properly. Contray tothem being desert animals don't use sand there are many horror stories out there from dragons eating the sand during eatting and causing bloackages in the stomach and intestinal track and death to the lizard or very expensive surgery if it was caught in time...same goes for any loose beddings the only safe beddings are newspaper, printer paper and cremic textured tiles....these can be custom cut and are beautiful in the cage. The bearded dragon will eat alot of bugs as a baby crickets mainly meal worms are not reccomended as they have extremly hard to diegest shells and are also know for causing internal blockages and death. I feed whatever the lizard wants when it wants it as a baby and modarate as the lizard gets older, beardies also eat fresh veggies and fruit and should beoffered fiunly cut veggies and fruit daily. The water dragon eats bugs only I have never heard of a water dragon eating fruit or vegetables, The water dragons need crickets mainly also of course you can also offer butter worms/super worms and wax worms to both lizards, the water dragon needs a 5.0 or 6.0 uvb tubes also 10 inches or  less away from the lizard to be effective, it needs a basking spot of 85-89 F. It needs 60% himidy and should be misted along with its cage daily.