Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > male leopard gecko with very small hemipenal prolapse

male leopard gecko with very small hemipenal prolapse

22 14:23:19

he has been like it for two days i have been using sugar water and this morning we have been to my vet who used swb and re inserted it but was out again by time i got home?  i have rung the vet and am returning to have it poped back again as sutch but the vet dose not specialise and i cannot get to one who dose?  should i surgest a sutcher (temporary)  or do you have any other recomendations?  have had him for about two monthe as grown on now early sub adult, got from a reptile show and have had no other problems but dosent gain weight very quickly? i dont have an awfull lot of money and am single parent so anything that could help him?  love my geckos would hate to loose him.  thankyou for your time in reading this

Hi Corinne,

This is very unfortunate however the only thing you can do is the sugar water until an experienced vet can take care of it.

You have to find a vet who will help.

Try searching at for one near you.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help, I hope your little guy pulls through.

Good luck