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leopard gecko changing tank sand

22 14:02:48

We got a leopard gecko about a month ago.  s/he's about 4 inches long and we have sand in the tank.  We strain the poop out every five or six days, but it gets a little fragrant with urine sometimes.  How often should we change out the sand in the tank?  Also, any suggestions for minimizing the smell in between.  We feed it mealie worms.

Hello Deb,

Well, actually sand is not my recommendation for babies.  They can get impacted from it plus, it is very hard to keep clean.  Do you feed the mealies on the sand?  
They can ingest too much sand & get impacted with that stuff.  You should scoop it daily though if she goes everyday to help keep bacteria counts down.  
There really is nothing you can do regarding the smell other than just scooping it daily.  
Do you feed crickets as well, in combination with meal worms?  She needs a little variety.  Or you could also try some phoenix worms, too she would love them.
