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yellow bellied turtles

22 14:38:44

i have had two Yellow bellied turtles for a year and recently got another baby one. how do i know the sex of the turtles and how do they breed? also, what age do they have to be?  

Emma,                                                                  Males have shorter fatter tails... and long nails .. females have longer slender tails and short fingernails. They have to be sexually mature 3 to 5 for males and 5 to 6 for females. In captivity 2 to 3 yrs.I would recommend you go to Breeding turtles in captivity is hard to do especially water turtles. You are going to have to change their enclosure provide a sand box. You are going to have to make sure incubation temps are correct... a little complicated. Check out this site and go from there. Good Luck, Tina