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beardie eating and elimination

22 14:25:33

We've got a beardie that is now about 16-17 inches long.  He has a good appetite but it seems to have slowed down recently.  Apparently there is a shortage of mealworms right now so the only ones we can get are the "super worms" (1 1/2" long).  Since he started eating these he has not been pooping almost every day like he used to.  When we fed him the medium worms (crickets have too many places to hide) he pooped just about every day.  Now sometimes its more than a week and we have to coax him by giving him a warm bath.  Is this normal?  Do we need to change something?  

 I'm happy that you have stopped the mealies.  The true superworms are a better food.  How has he been doing with his salad?  If he has not been eating salad, then this could be a reason.  Hold off on the worms and gve him a good calcium rich salad of collards, dandelions, mustard greens and turnip greens, grated or shaved bits of butternut squash or sweet potato, wet greens will help "move the mail".