Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Fence Lizard

Fence Lizard

22 13:24:29

QUESTION: I have a blue belly fence lizard and noticed something unusual. Twice now I've seen little, brown specks left all over its terrarium. I even see some embedded into a few scales on its body. The specs are about a dozen, dark brown, and about the size of a pin head. Have any idea what this is?

ANSWER: Hello Amber,

Do you have a picture of your fence lizard?  They are so pretty.
It sounds like it has mites or ticks, based on our description.
Can you bathe him or her carefully to see if you can try to remove some of them?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Upon your advice, I rubbed olive oil on the lizard to smother the mites/ticks and let him sit for 15 minutes. I gave him 2 baths with baby soap and put him back in his terrarium. My next problem is that he's caked in sand (his substrate) and can't even open his eyes. He's been hiding for the past two days. You suggested taking the sand out and putting him on paper towels but I know he's stressed and I'm hesitant to handle him more than I have to. Which is worse...handling him to bathe him again and going onto paper towels, or leaving the sand on and hoping it falls off, knowing he's uncomfortable? How I wish these little guys could talk so I could just ask HIM! Thank you.

Hello Amber,

No, go ahead and handle him & take the sand out.  Otherwise, he wont get his eyes cleared out.  You are going to have to get his eyes cleaned out & get him bathed.  
It most likely wont stress him too badly to bathe him & clean him up.  He would feel a lot better.
Let me know how that goes for him.  
He needs that sand out of his eyes, or his eyes are going to get infected.  
