Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > my leperd geko

my leperd geko

22 14:23:01

hi i think my gecko is pregnaut but idk  she wont let me pick her up but i do have a male in there with her..if she is pregnaut. what do i do like what can i putin there for her too lay her eggs. she still eats and still sleeps alot..when she walks you can srta see an egg shape in the belly.

Dear Patrisha,
thank you for your question.
Offer her a box with moist vermiculite/perlite or sand to dig in, she will lay her eggs there. the box should be at least as long and deep as she is, but if it's bigger, that's even better. If you want to incubate the eggs, this website has good info on how to do it:
I hope I was of some help to you