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Caring for frogs

22 14:22:26

I dont know what type of reptile I want. Thats why im trying to find out which would be best for a aquerium tank 11inches deep. Starting 8 inches wide then ending at 16 inches and not hard to care for or expensive. Which type of reptile woud you suggest  for  that size tank like frogs, lizard salamander/newt,ect.

Thank you again

Dear Michelle,
thank you for your question.
In my opinion, the tank is too  small for any lizard, even small species need more room because they are usually very active. Some dart frog species can be kept in there, for example a pair of Dendrobates auratus. If you can get a steady supply of fruit flies and/or micro crickets, then these frogs are not that hard to keep. They need high humidity, but with coconut fibre substrate and live plants that's not a problem. The plants will also be hiding places for the frogs.

African dwarf frogs are also good for beginners, pretty easy to care for and don't need much space. Just don't let anyone sell you African Clawed frogs, who look a lot like the dwarfs at first, but get really huge.
I hope I was of some help to you