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beardie lighting

22 14:38:48

I'am confused on the uvb and uva lighting.Should Ihave 2 kinds of lights for his cage?I have only what is called a basking light 75 watt from the pet store.Do i also need a regular bulb for him there too.The bulb is a repta-sun incandescent light.

Hello Jamie,
Yes, it IS confusing.  :-))  
It depends on what type of light you want.  How large is your tank?  If it is at least a 40 gallon, you can use a Mercury vapor bulb.  There are 2 MVB's that I suggest, the Megaray or the T-rex Active UV heat.  Those types of lights put out UVB + Heat.  You will also need to use a natural daylight flourescent light (non uvb) with it, for overall brightness with the MVB.  Just to ensure that the entire tank is fairly bright for him.
The basking bulb you have, is it a regular household lightbulb?  Hm, a Reptasun, does it say that it has UVB, or just UVA on the box?  It is a Flukers brand so unfortunately it is not a good brand so it probably doesn't have any UVB emissions.  
If you use a flourescent tube bulb, you need a basking bulb used in conjunction with the flourescent tube bulb for overall lighting for the tank.  The best basking lights are the natural daylight spot or floodlamp such as the reveal, which has the bluish tint on the bulb & that has a bright white light.
What do you measure the temps with?
So yes, you need a basking bulb, & a UVB light.  Unless you are using a MVB.  
The best flourescent tube bulb is the Reptisun 10, or the Reptiglo 8.  

I hope this helps.
