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bearded dragon sick??

22 14:37:23

my beardie is about 6 months old and is about 2 1/2 to 3 inches long. recently i noticed it hasn't been eating as it usually does and its eyes seem to not alert and shut all the time. i've only been feeding it mini meal worms and no fruits or vegies. i have learned that i have not been feeding it properly. its tank setup is ok but i just can't seem to find any answers to whats wrong with it. please!! help me.!?

Dear Anthony,
thank you for your question.
Please see a herp vet with your dragon as soon as possible, that's the only way to find out if something is wrong. Internal parasites are for example a common problem with lizards and need to be treated. You can find lists of herp vets here:

It's also possible that your dragon want to brumate, that's herp hibernation (the process is a bit different). In that case, a herp visit is a good idea to make sure that the dragon is in good condition. If it's healthy, there's no reason why it shouldn't brumate. You can read more about brumation and how to handle it here:
The website also has info on how to get your dragon to eat vegetables (fruit are not that good because of their bad calcium/phosphorus ratio and because they are not part of a drsagon's natural diet). Here's a website that has an excellent foodlist:

I hope I was of some help to you