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Cold Blooded Reptiles

22 14:36:56

A weird question perhaps but I was wondering if cold blooded reptiles fart?  The question came to me after seeing a program  on the theory that there were warm blooded dinosaur reptiles.  I associate the production of digestion gas with heat so it seems natural in warm blooded mammals but does it occur in cold blooded reptiles?  Is it a source of heat for them?

Hello Mike,

Yes, reptiles can & do fart.  It basically has nothing to do with being warm or cold blooded, but just digestive enzymes overall processing foods.  
Obviously though, it most would be more likely to occur when they are warm than when cold.  Some snakes actually fart or release foul smelling gases or release scents out of their musk glands as self defense in some instances.

I hope that helps.  :-))
