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My wild grees anole will not eat

22 14:44:10

We have a leopard gecko that we bought at the pet store awile ago, he is doing great, so we wanted another pet. We went back to the pet store and did not find any pets we liked. When we came home we saw a green anole on the porch. We caught it and bought it a home. He has been with us for a day and he is not eating. We bought him baby chrickts and small meal worms. He will not go near them. We also tryed apple that we mashed. If he does not eat anytime soon we will have to put him back. We really don't want to do that, but we want him to be safe and healthy. Can you help us?

 Well, Look at it from the anole's view.  Taken from his natural environment and put in a box.  Wild caughts will always be the most stressed in captivity.  Captive breds also stress, but only because it's a different box.  
 The best thing, in my opinion, is to let the wild anole go back to the wild, it is what's best for him.  Then, I would check for breeders of lizards you may be interested in.  Also there are reptile rescues that might have someone just wanting a home.  The best thing to do is contact a Herpetological Society nearest you.  They would know breeders and rescues in the region you are in.  And getting a pet from either would be in better health than what you would find in most pet stores.