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Reed Frogs

22 14:40:24

I currently have 3 reed frogs. Two very young juveniles that I have raised from tadpoles and one adult. I'm having difficulty finding information on their care and a reliable source for their eats. The adult is only about an inch in over all length, he appears to be happy with pin heads. I had fruit flies for the babies but have not been able to obtain more locally. Is there a reliable online source that ships to the Maritimes?? No one seems to know how long it takes these guys to grow up or if they should be kept separate from the adult. Is it safe to put them together? The babies are currently in their own habitat but I would like to introduce them to the terrarium with their big brother. Thanks for taking the time to help!!

Hi Cynthia, I actually had a colony of Hyperolius species about 8 or 9 years ago. I  wish I could just remember how long they took to mature! I never did figure out exactly what species they were. I do remember  my rule of thumb for moving the froglets into the adult tank. The froglets had to be at least a  third to  half the adults' body length. I never had any cannibilism with that ratio. It's important to vary the diet as early as you can for the froglets, I recall reading more then once that a steady diet of fruit flies is not ideal and can lead to mortality. If you have a cricket source they should be able to order you some pinheads that are just a few days old. These are roughly equivalent in size to the fruit flies. Stores often call any small crickets "pinheads" but they rarely carry true pinheads which are the size of fleas. I don't have any recommendations for a fly source but have you considered culturing your own? There are a number of homemade media recipes and it really is quite easy. Also ask any store that sells crickets if they can special order fruit flies. Whoever is wholesaling the crickets may have access to or breed other feeder insects as well.
I've included a couple links from the amphibian care site. The first is the care for the frogs and is exactly how I kept mine, the second is for fruit flies.