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tortoise question

22 13:31:45

I have two young tortoise. I left the sun lamp off one day, and one tortoise appears to have died or went into hibernation. I live in AZ and had the aircondtioning on. I have them in an aquarium indoors. She hasn't moved in a whole day but is showing NO signs of rigor mortis. Is it possible for her to go into hibernation that quickly? Also,can you recommend a good tortoise  vet in Southern AZ that I can take her too?

Answer  This link will help you find a vet if you call the vet listed they will be able to recommend one close to you I am sure.  I would say it is possible for them to get lethargic that quickly but hibernation takes a couple weeks usually.  Rigor mortis will actually relax after a given amount of time though.  I would call the vet and hope for the best.  Please keep me informed as to what happens