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Transporting Bearded dragons

22 11:53:37

QUESTION: We will be moving soon from Oregon to NM and are wondering about using a AC/DC converter that plugs into the ports of our car to run our heat lamps for our dragons during transport. We will have them in the car with us and in the motel at night - but just concerned about the trip. Of course we will also have to transport their food - crickets and greens for their daily feeding. Have wondered about the heat packs on maybe using them - just really concerned about keeping them warm during the day while driving.
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

ANSWER: Hello Darla,

Transporting them should not be too bad as I have done it, nearly halfway across the country.  
You can definitely use the AC/DC converter, to plug in lights or heating pads, etc for them.  The hotpacks are an easy option, also.  
How many days will you be on the road, approximately?  The best thing is not to feed them much, or anything terribly heavy during the trip so they don't have digestive issues.  
Are you keeping them in a tank, separately?  How many dragons do you have?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We have two bearded dragons - we think now they have grown a bit we may have a male and female - not what we planned but looks like what we have. Ha We keep them together and they are good eaters. I monitor how much they poop and they love crickets,mustard greens - also like mashed bananas. We have a chart of what to feed them and consult it frequently. They provide hours of entertainment for us - they are just silly critters. We are both desert folks so enjoy lizards of any kind - reminds us of home.
The move will take us approx 4-5 days. We are retired so will be staying in motels at night. I will have them in their cage in the back seat of my car to transport. We are just concerned about the temps - would seriously grieve if anything happened to them that we could have prevented.
Thank you for your help.

ANSWER: Hello Darla,

I think between using heating pads, or a basking light that the traveling with them will be fine.  If the car temperature is good then they will be fine.  You can give small meals, or snacks for them, but not heavy meals while traveling.  I have traveled with dragons many a time & they were fine.  You don't need to worry about the UVB in the car, just a heating pad or a basic basking light for warmth.
Yes, they are so awesome & always entertaining.  They can be your best friend, too.

Are they related?  If so, you will want to separate them as they will mate & you wouldn't want that.  The males tend to try & overbreed the females when kept in with them.

Let me know how they are doing.  When are you moving?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We have no idea if they are related - they were given to us. It sounds like we will have to have two enclosure's in the near future if the male is going to be that way. Hummmm They both eat about 12/16 crickets each and then mustard greens daily. What do you suggest as a light diet for them when we are on the road. We are not expecting to move until spring which will help temp wise.
Thank you,

Hello Darla,

That will help, the spring will be a little less harsh, temperature wise!
Yes, the male will most likely be that way, they usually are.  LOL
They are still young & eating a good amount right now.  
On the road, you could feed greens which are really easy to digest for them.  Throw a couple of worms such as phoenix or butterworms in for them for some protein.  If they are going to have some heat they will be able to digest pretty well then.  
It sounds like they keep you on your toes, too at that age.  
