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22 14:10:03

When I first got my bearded dragon (from its size I'd say it is around 2 months old) The first week or so I had him. He has been fairly docile, but after giving him some cantalope. He has become pretty skittish. He will eat waxworms from my hand still, and also take some diced up cantalope from my finger, and eat crickets with my hand in the cage. The thing is when I go to pick him up now. He runs away from me, and won't let me grab him. I come from the side.

Hi Will,
Are you also feeding a diet of dark leafy greens such as collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, and other greens and veggie?
Its a major part of their diet.
He is getting older and they tend to test their owners..Generally when you first get them they are more docile because they are very insecure.  Once they get used to their surroundings, etc..they tend to get a little silly with how they act.  They look at you as a monster that is going to eat them for a snack.  Just continue to get him used to your hands in his cage...Let him crawl on you, even if you shoo him onto one hand on to the the other hand. Give him time...beardies generally are social...that is after they get done acting like goof balls...and then come the macho teenage years where he will hiss at you and open his mouth up as big as he can, trying to scare  you off!!  In that stage, you just ignore his actions, and continue what you were doing..but use caution because at that age..their bites can hurt!!!