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What type of lizard should I get?

22 14:41:03

I was wondering what type of lizard would be a good intermediate lizard. I was considering Dwarf Chameleons because they're so small and don't require a lot of space. Also I thought that Collared lizards are cool because they're so active. Any suggestions??? Also, are there any species of reptiles that you can combine in the same tank?

Hi Dylan! I'm a bit biased on this subject, because I have a Collared, and I think they are amazing pets. I would recommend a collared, but they do need a large enclosure. An adult collared needs a minimum of 48 by 18 floor space. They are very active, hardy, and beautiful colors!
  Dwarf chameleons need a more specific habitat, and are generally considered more difficult to care for than many other species. A 20 gallon viv is the absolute minimum for one, and it must be kept exactly to the chameleon's needs. This is a great site for Collareds, run by Eve, who does great rehab work, and has many of the little guys and girls! Thanks for the question! Nicole