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Iguana drooling

22 13:59:48

Hello. My iguana just started drooling yesterday. He is 1.5 years old and has been very healthy. He has a large habitat with plenty of room to play and live. His habitat temperature ranges around 95-100 degrees F at the top, and around 75-85 at the bottom (tall habitat with branches, logs, & rope system for climbing). I clean his habitat of poo twice a day (and we use turf for his floor).

He's out every day to play with us for an hour or so, and we also go for walks outside every day that weather permits (he rides on my shoulder, we stay out about 20 min)

His diet is a combination of fresh vegetable and fruits, plus protein. Lots of kale, dandelion, spinach, green beans, peas, steamed broccoli, etc (we make him "salads" with a combination of these veggies)...soft boiled beans two times a week, a few bits of hard boiled egg once a week, and fresh fruit every day.

I hold, handle, play with, and pet him every day. He eats A LOT, always has, has fresh drinking water every day, misted with water a few times a day, and soaks in the tub three or four times a week.

His lighting is fluorescent UV (can't remember brand name). His eating habits have not changed, his color has not changed, weight hasn't changed, his mouth and jaw look perfectly healthy, no redness or swelling, good shape, etc...and his stool/defecating habits have not changed. His legs are the same as always, beefy and strong.

We love this guy very much. My question is, should I be worried about the drooling in the absence of any other symptoms? He's not drooling a lot, but I've noticed it three times since yesterday. He's not sneezing or anything else, and he's as active as always.

The rep vet is about 40 miles from our house, but I'll take him there right away if necessary. Just don't want to go to the vet and complain of "symptoms" if this is something normal.

Thanks very much for your time.

 Liz, get him to the vet.  Drooling is a sign of kidney failure, and there's probably a liver problem going on because of the animal protein.
 Iguanas are obligate herbivores and should never have animal protein.  Remove it from the diet.  Perhaps the vet will put your ig on some liver cleansing regimen, like milk thistle.  I strongly advise you to join  They will also be a helpful source to help you assist your iguana in his recovery.