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Bearded Dragan w/swollen leg

22 14:53:44

Hi, I work at Deer Park Elementary and take care of the Science Lab. We recently "adopted 3 baby (about 4")Bearded Dragons. I noticed one of them had a front leg that he wouldn't move its was kind of stiff. Today when I went to feed them I noticed it was swollen and has a tiny bit of blood on it. Please advise on what I should do! Thanks, Loretta

Hello and thank you for your questions,

This is likely a bite wound from another baby, the three should be seperated right away even into ten gallon tanks for now, beardies can't be kept together males or females or male/female pairs fight or in the later case the male heaavily overbreeds the female until her death. Even when given adaqute amounts of foods babies can bite each others feed/legs/tails and even heard a case of adult females who were together for live killing her roommate by breaking her skull. Taking him to a vet right away for anti botics would be best and they'll be able to tell you if the leg will work normaly ever again.