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Shedding problems

22 13:31:19

Hi Diane, Our geicko is 7 yrs. old. Already has a bad eye from crickets attacked it. I have been hand feeding with plastic tweezers for 2 yrs. But now he is not being able to shed skin off of head and eyes. I have to change his enviroment according to the answers of care you gave someone else. But is there something i can do to help. I try soaking him in the sink and it helps but now he has an issue with his mouth on upper side that is like reddish on rim of mouth and he licks it alot and hangs mouth in water dish. Its like he needs to get rid of built up skin issues there on under side or something. Is lighting the problem and i do not have a moist place with moss in tank. I have carpert from pet store in bottom of tank - no sand. Can u help me please. I have taken him to vet twice but it is expensive. Thanks if you can give me some tips. He hasn't eaten in almost 4 weeks. Eyes and lip is keeping him from eating i think and he sheds every two weeks right now? Thanks if you got any help for us. Paula and Mr. Grinch p.s. i only feed him meal worms and put calcium on meal worms once a week when he was eating.

Hi Paula,
I'm glad you have read some of my past answers.  In those you can see how to make a humid hide and also the importance of giving them a variety of insects. Is it possible that he has a sore on his mouth from the tweezers?  He may have bitten down on them which caused a sore area. You can apply a small amount of Neosporin ointment to the red area. When offering the insects, be sure to hold onto the head area with the tweezers to help prevent the insect from biting him.
If that doesn't help or if the area doesn't change or gets worse, then a vet visit is needed.
For his eyes, you can very gently mist with some sterile saline solution(such as used for contact lenses).
It really shouldn't be a lighting issue as long as he is getting daylight hours.
Sometimes shedding so much is a sign of too dry of skin.  Yes, providing a proper humid hide will help greatly with shedding issues.
I would offer him some wax worms to see if they interest him.  Only a few on occasion though as they are too high in fat content.
You can also break the hind legs off the crickets which will make it a bit easier to hold with tweezers.  I would try to wean him off the tweezers feedings. Offer food on his "good" side..getting his attention with the insect being held then drop it.  Hopefully he follows the insect falling and grabs it.
Also taking a shallow dish and putting several insects in it may also get him eating on his own.  Just be sure to remove the insects after about 10 minutes and be sure to check for any escaped critters!