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fat tailed geckos

22 13:57:32

I just got a male fat tail gecko to go with my female. The female has never lived with other geckos and acted a little aggressively toward the male when first introduced. The male passively let her bite on him and eat without competition from him. I haven't seen any more aggression from the female but im a little confused about the information ive read which states that a male needs at least 3 females or he will be too aggressive, which is clearly not the case here, and that the male should only be in the same tank with the female when breeding. cant they be kept together year round? should i worry that my female will hurt the male?

Hello Ana,

Yes, you should worry that your female may hurt your male.  Sometimes, things just don't work out as you planned them.  Normally, with geckos, you can keep the males & females together year around.  However, sometimes, the male & female just might not get along for some reason.  
Has he shown any aggression towards her or any mating behavior at all so far?
What are their ages?
How large is your tank for them both?  Do they each have their own caves/hides for privacy if they want their own space?
Is he able to eat without her bothering him?
