Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > feeding instructions to newly hatched common house geckos

feeding instructions to newly hatched common house geckos

22 14:46:17

I have two common house gecko eggs.  one of the eggs just hatched.  What do I feed the baby?  or do I let he/she go before the other egg hatches.  How low should I keep them before freeing them?  My son found these eggs outside.  I would like to return them to their environment when it is appropriate to do so.

Thanks for your help with these questions,


Dear Karen,
thank you for your question.
You can release the gecko now, they are able to live on their own from the moment they leave the egg. The first few days they won't eat anything because they still live off the yolk sac, after that they will eat small insects like crickets, locusts or roaches (now longer than their mouth is wide).
I hope I was of some help to you