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shalacking the wood for reptile aquariums

22 14:32:48

i have aked my wood and i was wondering if i shalacked my piece of wood; would that harm my reptile in anyway?

Hello Matt, it can be harmful and I don't advise doing it. If you want a nice finsished look on the wood try something else

For water sealing you can use a water based polyurethane to seal it up. Then painting you can use water based latex paint.

Give anywhere from a week to a month for the enclosure to air out. Before placing the reptile in turn on the heat lights and wait a few and smell the inside for fumes (the heat brings out the fumes) it may need to dry longer.

Here is more information on this topic:

But as far as putting a stain varnish on it. It can definately be toxic and harmful

Best of luck!