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Care of blue tongue skink

22 13:57:34

Hello Diane,
My boy has found a blue tongued skink and has been keeping it in an aquarium. I've convinced him to (reluctantly) release it. My question is how best to do that? Like, what the best environment to put him into. I do have a couple of fish ponds in our back yard that have lots of vegetation around them harbouring lots of lovely snailes etc. We do have cats in the neibourhoud but i don't know if they bother skinks. I'd really like to do the best for the lizard so am quite happy to take him to a local frog pond or what ever.

Thanks for your time

Hi Paul,
Very high praises to you for convincing your son to release the skink!!!!!!!!!!!  
The very best way to release it is in the same area that he found it.  Of course if the area is not safe such as near a road, etc..then find an area that is as close to the original spot as possible.  Skinks pick an area to live in generally because they have what they need there...sunshine, food, protection, etc. I would release him during the warmer hours of the morning, IE: late morning. That way, he will be able to get warmed up (bask) and be on his merry way to find a meal.