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anole under stress

22 14:48:26

Hi, my anole lizard is sharing 10-20" 20 gallon tank with an alagator lizard that is currently 6" long same with my anole. They havent shown any signs of aggretion towards eachother (yet) but i am worried because i was reading that care sheet and it said that stress may lead to death. my anole is continusly brown and i don't know what to do, i have a moss bottom in my tank one fake plant, one fake rock that he seems to enjoy, a few pieces of bark and a dosen crikets all with reptocalsium on them, and two real rocks. one more thing, how do i tell if it is a boy or a girl?

 If your anole is a green anole and is constantly brown, he is very stressed.  Almost all reptiles are highly territorial and each needs his own space.  Please separate them as soon as possible.  Then get a fecal test on them both, high prolonged stress caused a rise in gut parasites and contact with the anole's poop may have infected the alligator lizard.
 Adult lizards usually have a row of femoral pores on the inside of each thigh, a female's will be microscopic, while a male's will be pronounced.  Another way is to look at the base of the tail above the vent.  The male's hemipenes will cause bulges to show.