Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Bearded Dragon URGENT PLEASE HELP


22 14:38:00

I noticed my bearded dragons throat was bulged and the crickets i gave her and the lettuce i gave her was eaten.I first noticed it around 7pm on Febuary 11th she was chowing down on the lettuce so it took it away, because of her throat. it was still like that 24 hours later. i picked her up and after a few seconds her entire chin turned black. Literally. so i put her back and the color has faded a bit, i hope i didnt make it worse and i was wondering if you knew what is going on. she also had her mouth hanging open and i looked down there and there was lettuce in the throat. does it need a trip to the vet? I Thank You very much.

p.s im freaking out...

                                 Sincerly, Jackie

If you don't know what is going on, then you need to see a vet. We can't see the condition in person to render a judgement. Any problems with feeding or injury could lead to complications later that might require a more expensive vet bill if you wait.

The color change is a natural response to stress in Beardies. You might even have a male. It is where the name "Bearded" Dragon comes from. Sounds like you need a vet check up, and need to do quite a bit of reading before continuing further with this animal, in all honesty.

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