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White mark on Chinese water dragons eye

22 14:29:49


Spike's eye
  I have a male Chinese water dragon.  He is 4 years old and 22 inches long.  I noticed a few weeks ago that he had a whitish line across the upper part of his right eye.  Since I noticed this, it seems that he is having some difficulty seeing, for example his crickets when eating.  Other than this white line his eye looks good.  I have asked a vet and they said he might have scratched it and that it would go away.  It has been three weeks and it has not gotten any better or gone away.  
  His tank is 6 feet long, 2 feet high, and 2 feet wide.  He has a drink well, a swimming pool, 2 hammocks, a rock cave, live non-poisonous plants, artificial plants and vines, and a medium size tree.  I use a dirt like substrate as I was told that it will not bother his digestive system too much if he swallowed some.  He eats live crickets that I get from the pet store and I dust them with a calcium/multi-vitamin mix.  He also eats fruits and vegetables.  The tank temperature during the day is about 90 -95 degrees and at night around 80-85 degrees.  I have a humidity thermometer and 2 temperature thermometers (1 near each end of his tank).  I use a basking lamp during the day, a ceramic infrared heat emitter day and night, and a UVB/UVA mystic fluorescent light that is on a timer.
Thank you for any help you can give me.

Hi Jessica,
First off your enclosure size is a little off. Minimum height requirement for one that size is 4ft tall, that is very important. Width should be at least 4ft long and depth at least 2ft. So see if you can fix that soon. He will appreciate it.
The enclosure seems slightly warm unless you have a cool side as well.

As far as the eye problem taking him to the vet will help determine if his one eye is blind. It does appear to be a scratch or other type of wound.

It looks as though it has scarred and is healed as much as it will ever be. He will probably always have this line and sight problem. If he stops eating or is having a very difficult time finding food you should start hand feeding him or stunning the crickets first.

Reptiles rely a lot on their eye sight and once gone doesn't come back so he will always have this little quirk. You just have to be sure it doesnt get in the way of his eating and other daily activities.

Best of luck