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painted turtle tank parasites

22 15:00:21

We have had this turtle for about two years. We found him in the woods, he was about the size of a quarter and had a damaged eye, probably a bird snatched him up and dropped him. In the last few months the tank has developed small white worm-like parasites in it. They are only noticeable when you are really looking for them, they are extremely tiny. The turtle eats fine and doesn't seem to be affected. Is there anything I can treat the water with to kill the parasite, but thats safe for the turtle.

Hey Amy,

your are really going to have to clean and bleach the tank remove all rocks and contants of tank,clean rocks and tank with bleach then rinse very well also if you can take your turtles in to be checked for worms and other parasites,you can go to your local pet store for water condioner for turtle Zoo Meds makes some good treatments.

hope this was helpful, let me no if you need more assistents