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Releasing my turtle into the wild

22 14:13:19

I have a yellow-eared slider turtle and it ( I am not sure of the sex) has lived in a tank for a year and a half. I got it from the pet store a year and half ago and am not sure where it came from. I need to find a better home for him whether that means giving him to someone else or releasing it to the wild. So my question is, will it survive in the wild since it has lived in a tank for probably most of it's life?

Hi Brittany,
You don't mention where you live but, regardless, it won't survive if released.  It would also be deadly to other species of turtles and its own species(if they are in the area) with diseases, etc.  Wild turtles have no immunity to the things that captive turtles have..even though we don't know they have anything.  Its also illegal in many states to release any captive turtle into the wild.Please go to and do a search on turtle rescue to find one in your area. Also, please be sure to read the following information on releasing into the wild:  (although this pertains to AZ, will give you an idea as to what does happen)