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wood/bark chips

22 15:00:21

i have bark/wood chips in my lizard bruno's cage and i now just heard of that not being very good cuz he might eat it but he seems to be doing fine, so should i just change it anyways even though he likes it?

Hi Patrick,
What an excellent question!!!   You don't state what species of lizard you have, but yes..its best to remove it and use something safer. I use lizard carpeting, tiles  and newspaper in my lizard cages. If you would let me know what lizard you have, I can offer you some suggestions on what to use.  On the back of the bags of many of the bark/wood chip substrate, they actually have a warning there...its in very small states "to prevent a possible blockage from accidental ingestion, please remove the reptile from the bark and feed in a seperate cage"  or something to that effect...  
Also, cedar is toxic to all reptiles.  Please let me know what species of lizard you have and I can offer you ideas on what to use.